Posts tagged train strong
Vision And Hardship

“What is it that holds us back? I can't speak for every person, but I can speak for myself. For me, it was complacency, comfort, and fear.

When we find ourselves in difficult situations, like the one the entire world is in right now, a deep rooted part of our brain gravitates towards these things. It thinks that they're safety and security.

They're not.” - Kevin Kryszak

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How To Overcome Hard Times

“I need ya'll to know that your attitude is YOUR CHOICE!! I get asked so often how I am able to always be so positive and energetic. My answer to that is this - I don't let my circumstances control or define me. I really want ya'll to know that you really do have CONTROL over that. I am going to give you a "Tip from Gingerbread'' in how I am able to remain positive through any adversity or obstacle that enters my life. It is all about…”

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Moving With Precision

“Our Fitness Screening at Precision Training is intended to bring dysfunctional movement to light. Speaking as one of the trainers who helped to develop the Fitness Screening as it exists today, our goal is to understand how our client’s body is moving from the moment we meet them so that we can help them learn how to safely and confidently control their movement for the rest of their life.”

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Recognizing Cultural Eating Habits

I realize most people nowadays don’t have the experience of making their own meals at home, let alone weighing &/or measuring the food they consume. Our culture today is more conducive to eating on the go and stopping by Panera or Starbucks to make it past the hunger pangs and late afternoon fatigue.

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