Are You Ready For Some Gains?

It’s a Sunday morning in October in Chicago. You know what that means for most people? Daaaaa Bears. 

I haven’t conducted a survey or done any official google searching yet but I’m pretty sure that when considering which sport has the best options for food... the sport of football has to be at least in the top 3 for best food. 

Maybe curling or polo has some kind of smorgasbord I’m not aware of, but to the best of my knowledge -- football season is delicious! How can it not be? There’s three national holidays we celebrate with social gatherings, football, and delicious food. I don’t know about you, but Thanksgiving is my favorite football holiday. I’m pretty sure if the food is warm and delicious it qualifies as football food. Unless it's ice cream, then obviously it has to be cold and delicious to qualify. And before I rest my case I’d like to ask the jury: is it coincidental that the football season and playoffs coincide with the majority of the continent wearing looser clothing? I think NOT! Football season definitely has the best food and allows you the ability to consistently enjoy it. Its a magical season.

So, what do you eat when you watch football? I’d love to know #nojudgementhere feel free to comment below. Guess what? I’ll tell you what I like to eat when I watch football.

Anything… cause football food is delicious as we already established. 

However, this year I’m repeating a process I committed to during the 2018 football season. 

I’ve decided to #countmymacros during the 2020 Covid Football Season. 

This sounds like a bad idea right? 

“Wade… why do you make life so difficult?” I can hear it too. 

But, it's because I want to enjoy all the deliciousness that is associated with the American Football Season — GUILT FREE — that I’ve decided to count my macros again. 

During the 2018 football season, in a span of 12 weeks I went from 215lbs to 185lbs.

In 8 weeks, my body fat percentage went from 15.8% to 7.7%

And I didn’t feel deprived during the process.

During this week’s blog posts, I’ll be sharing some details of what goes into counting macros, how it feels, as well as photos of some of the food I’ve eaten GUILT FREE as a result of knowing how much my body can consume without needing to wear looser clothes as a result. 

Are you ready for some football and some delicious food? 

Me too. 
