Training Smart

Hi Precision Blog! Today, I’d like to give ya'll a more in depth look at how we structure our SGT (Small Group Training) Classes at Precision Training. 

When we sit down to program the workouts for our SGT Classes, our number one goal is to design workouts that will put you in the best position to succeed not just in the gym, but also in life. A lot of people who attend “Bootcamp” style classes are just looking to move fast, sweat a lot, and be told where to go and when to go there. At Precision, we see Small Group Training with a much greater potential. Of course, the workouts are challenging both mentally and physically. Yes - most days, you will sweat like crazy. But those things aren't the main goal for our program designs because, in our eyes, just sweating doesn’t always equal results. What equals results is the proper periodization with an individualized approach. 

Right now our current training schedule goes like so....

- Monday = Upper body stability / strength endurance 

- Tuesday = Upper body strength endurance / strength conditioning

- Wednesday = Full body strength conditioning (a.k.a. pure awesomeness)

- Thursday = Lower body stability / strength endurance

- Friday = Lower body strength endurance / strength conditioning

- Saturday = Full body strength conditioning (a.k.a. more pure awesomeness)

Stability Training

Think of how a house is built. The stronger the base of the house is, the more stable the house is and the longer that house will last. The same goes for your body. You have to build a strong base of support from your core, hips, & ankles in order to be able to reach your full potential and function at a high level WITHOUT PAIN!! 

It’s easy enough to identify that stability training is something that nearly everyone could benefit from more of - especially those just starting to work out for the first time. What makes Precision Small Group Training special is the commitment to teach and progress these skills in a group setting. Traditionally in the Fitness Industry, stability training is reserved for PT clients, not group classes. Precision SGT trainers not only recognize, but have committed to the need for stability training over the large majority of our client base and have incorporated this training in nearly every class.

While we see that stability is important for a strong house, we also know that not every house is built the same. We ensure to individualize each class so that clients are progressing safely, at their own pace, and getting a customized experience within their group every time.

Strength Endurance and Strength Conditioning

It’s important to build the foundation of your house - but it’s also important to test it with a storm or two every once in awhile. The only way to know if it can weather the storm is to hit it with some hail. That’s where strength endurance and strength conditioning come into play. Our clients are consistently challenged to test their improved stability with heavier weights, more reps, and faster sets. Again, it would be silly for us to expect everyone in our groups to perform at the same fitness level. That’s guessed it - we individualize.

Precision Small Group Training is not, and never will be, just another Bootcamp class. We understand you and make it our priority to give you the best, most individualized hour of your day every time, all while providing you with a killer community alongside you every workout.