Individualization and Community

At Precision Training, we pride ourselves on having an inclusive community, but also on our ability to individualize to every member of that community. To some, these two ideals might seem to be in opposition, but in fact, it's our ability to meet every person uniquely where they're at that keeps our community so strong. 

Sometimes, the concept of community might not feel like it's positive. It can actually be intimidating, like you're being scrutinized by its members and held up to whatever arbitrary standard that the group upholds. However, the benefits of being part of a strong community can't be understated. In those situations, it takes the right circumstances and series of events to get comfortable with being part of that group. 

There is a client I train that fits the scenario very well. When they started, they were averse to coming in to start with a trainer at all, let alone being in a community of people who train seriously every day. 

In the beginning, the feeling of not measuring up was strong, both to their own standards, and those of the people around them. Even more challenging than the training was overcoming that level of doubt and self-scrutiny. 

Over time, little by little, progress was being made. Things that weren't felt or controlled properly on day one were falling into place. Pain that used to be there was beginning to dissipate. Workouts were getting harder and longer, and the body was changing for the better. 

Because of that period of focus on realistic and achievable goals, they proved to themselves that they were able to get to where they wanted to go. Those standards that seemed so unachievable were now within sight and within reach. The seemingly uncrossable chasm of difference actually wasn't so impossible to conquer. They knew they could live up to their own standards, and new confidence was found. Instead of self scrutiny, they, for the first time, felt self confidence. Today, they kill it in classes, train with me several times per week, and continuously make progress every single day. 

At Precision, community doesn't mean a one size fits all approach. It means people from different backgrounds, with different mindsets and different stories all coming together in one place, striving for their unique goals together, and creating a supportive environment for the next person that walks through the door. However that looks for you, you'll have a place here.