How To Stay Disciplined

In his last post, “Stop Making New Year’s Resolutions”, Connor shared some eye opening statistics about New Year’s resolutions. He also gave us an antidote to those futile efforts, which is: setting ACHIEVABLE and MEANINGFUL goals and COMMITTING to building LIFELONG habits instead of making temporary adjustments to our current lifestyle. You might be wondering: But how do I stay committed? How do I make sure that I don’t abandon my efforts and fail the goals I set for myself? The answer is ACCOUNTABILITY.

 It can come in many forms. It may be a coach, a mentor, an accountability buddy, or... a GROUP. Eventually, we want to develop strong accountability to ourselves, but that lies within a Master Jedi skill set (I can’t believe I made a Star Wars reference… What is happening to me? The young one has the power to influence me like no other…) I digress. Bottom line is, ACCOUNTABILITY is critical in helping us remain consistent. If we know we have to check in with someone on a regular basis, our focus and performance will improve.

At Precision Training, we want to see you set and crush your goals so that we can celebrate together (I love celebrating). As a matter of fact, I have some goals I’ve set for myself because I noticed my health and fitness beginning to spiral out of control towards the end of 2020. What better time to get back on track than… NOW, right? 

My excitement over those goals, search for accountability and some of your conversations with our trainers gave birth to an idea for an ACCOUNTABILITY TEAM that we are starting this month. 

Brief info:

  • Help with goal setting

  • Weekly challenges to help you progress towards your goals 

  • Access to a private facebook group where coaches and members share their journey towards their goals

  • Monthly Zoom meetings

  • 3 month commitment

  • Cost: FREE! 

If that sounds like something that lights the🔥 under your…🍑 , join us for a Zoom call on Saturday 1/9 at 4:30pm and keep an eye out on Monday for Connor’s Facebook post about this group.

I feel that the Force is strong within us and that we will conquer, maybe not the galaxy, but definitely our 2021 goals.